The Premise
Lord Bablah:
A mad scientist, lord Bablah maintains an eerie research facility on a middle-sized yellow planet. To continue his study, Bablah must investigate a puzzling correlation between his experiments and disastrous accidents taking place shortly after.
A skilful research assistant, Herschel, goes missing whilst helping Bablah conduct one of his tests. Bablah makes several attempts to recreate his aide. Many deficient mutations follow, most of which are instantly carbonised by Bablah.
Pet Thing:
Another failed attempt at recreating Herschel, Pet-Thing is spared the gruesome fate of his fellow mutations, due to an incinerator fuel having just run out. Given the circumstances, Bablah decides to improve the hapless creature’s capabilities so he can serve him better.
The Journey:
To that end, Lord Bablah takes Pet-Thing on a journey across the universe to teach him about the wonders of progress and civilisation. Should the strategy fail, Pet-Thing will be relegated back to the incinerator to face a gruesome demise.
A mad scientist, lord Bablah maintains an eerie research facility on a middle-sized yellow planet. To continue his study, Bablah must investigate a puzzling correlation between his experiments and disastrous accidents taking place shortly after.
A skilful research assistant, Herschel, goes missing whilst helping Bablah conduct one of his tests. Bablah makes several attempts to recreate his aide. Many deficient mutations follow, most of which are instantly carbonised by Bablah.
Pet Thing:
Another failed attempt at recreating Herschel, Pet-Thing is spared the gruesome fate of his fellow mutations, due to an incinerator fuel having just run out. Given the circumstances, Bablah decides to improve the hapless creature’s capabilities so he can serve him better.
The Journey:
To that end, Lord Bablah takes Pet-Thing on a journey across the universe to teach him about the wonders of progress and civilisation. Should the strategy fail, Pet-Thing will be relegated back to the incinerator to face a gruesome demise.
chapter #1 PET-THING:

A mad scientist, lord Bablah, creates a mishappen mutation Pet-Thing, whom he takes on a journey across the cosmos, so he can awe the hapless creature with the ‘wonders of progress and civilisation’.
chapter #2 TIME KEEPERS

Elias, the junior time custodian, explains the inexplicable ● What is time? A Solution to the riddle ● The time industry and its convoluted history ● The unequal time distribution and the reasons behind it ● The origin of time ● The secrets behind the time production ● And more!

Elias, the Staff Technical Officer of the Fumum Mortiferum Ltd., explains the inexplicable ● Squid cyborgs do things ● How much is a life devoid of purpose worth to a pteranodon? ● Poisonous vapours, toxins and other pernicious substances as a way of advancing civilisation ● Why one can never be happy without feeling unhappy ● And more!
chapter #4 STAR BLAST

Elias, the associate chief hunter of the Cosmic Liquidation Corps, explains the inexplicable ● In an overcrowded space, the spars must fight for their survival ● Lord Bablah saves the universe from itself ● What explosives, soft drinks, aphrodisiacs, embalming fluid have in common? ● Respect for tradition, long-deceased ancestors and shooting planets
chapter #5 R-EVOLUTION

The mystery behind the cubical stars ● Qualcatezca, the guardian of sacred entropy, makes a jarring statement ● The purpose of evolution, is there one? ● Lord Bablah explains the importance of keeping birds and spiders in cages ● Can the Pet-Thing evolve? ● Elias, the transmogrification coordinator of the Phylogenesis Institute, explains the inexplicable
chapter #6 Adequately Happy

Elias, the interminable amplification administrator of the Unbounded Munificence Conglomerate, explains the inexplicable ● Herschel succumbs to a lizard king trying to secure a scientific sample ● Pet-Thing learns to appreciate things he previously took for granted ● Who is Rolf, and why are there so many statues of him? ● Why is pee in the tap water-free? ● Lord Bablah gives in to a sudden philosophical urge ● The spending habits of the wealthy as a way of saving humanity from itself
Chapter #7 Synthetic Reasoning

Elias, the junior magistrate of the judicial planning and enforcement office explains the inexplicable ● Lord Bablah honoured ● The mystery of Herschel’s disappearance solved at last
● Why must the lawmakers live in isolation disconnected from the masses they preside over
● The miracle of resocialisation ● The Colossus of Good Rule pronounces judgment
● Why must the lawmakers live in isolation disconnected from the masses they preside over
● The miracle of resocialisation ● The Colossus of Good Rule pronounces judgment
Chapter #8 Law and Disorder

Elias, the high minister to the moral rectification office explains the inexplicable ●
● Experiments with various moral convictions yield interesting results
● How adopting a belief system can quell irrational fears and disruptive behaviours
● Amusing rituals created at the Ceremonial Design Lab heal the unhealthy urge for understanding and making sense out of things
● Why being right is the most important article of any denomination
● Morality as a cure for various cognitive disorders
● Experiments with various moral convictions yield interesting results
● How adopting a belief system can quell irrational fears and disruptive behaviours
● Amusing rituals created at the Ceremonial Design Lab heal the unhealthy urge for understanding and making sense out of things
● Why being right is the most important article of any denomination
● Morality as a cure for various cognitive disorders
Journal of Conjectural Proceedings
Apex Dialectician
The Cerebral Maelstrom Daily
Theoretician Between Jobs